
Lidl Cruelty

The majority of chickens raised for meat sold at Lidl—the title sponsor of the Lidl-Trek cycling team—are Frankenchickens, enduring weeks of misery before being slaughtered at just a few weeks old. The Humane League UK reached out to Trek Bikes and Lidl-Trek athletes, yet they’ve chosen to be silent on Lidl’s cruel treatment of animals. Chickens are more than just another link in the profit chain. It's time for Trek to break its silence and speak out against Lidl’s animal cruelty!

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Bred to Suffer

Selective breeding has forced the birds to grow to three times as large as they would naturally — and in less time. This accelerated growth often leaves the chickens — known as Frankenchickens — struggling to carry their own weight and causes a myriad of other health problems.

Trapped in Filth

As a result of their breeding, Frankenchickens often suffer from lameness and they struggle to even stand. This means chickens often have to lay in their own waste, which contains concentrated levels of ammonia. This chemical can leave painful burns on their skin.

Progress on the Issue

Major food companies have already committed to addressing these abuses, including these: